Monday, November 4, 2013

Seeing Thorns as Blessings

I recently received a few comments from my friends expressing their reactions towards my family pictures I posted on my  FB wall. They compared me to a rose - “ the rose among the thorns.” I dig metaphors by the way . And I like being compared to a roseflower. Some did appreciate the beauty and charm of the rose ... others did insist on counting the thorns.   hahaha

What is the significance of a rose among the thorns? Our HS Biology teacher had taught us that thorns have certain protective roles. They are part of the same rosebush – they are like bodyguards protecting the roseflower. The thorns and the flower get their life juice from the same roots. The same plant provides nourishment to both the thorns and the flower. In other words, the thorns and the roseflower are not adversaries but grow together and complement each other.

I want to grasp the precious life God has given me from a different vantage point. And if I want to see the deeper meaning of life and understand its blessedness, its greatness then I will have to look at the rose – its beauty, its fragrance and its value ; and then to regard the thorns not as irritants but as blessing. That’s how i view my husband and my 4 sons – they are the thorns in my life. They love me for what or who i am. They are my staunch defenders who will stand up for me and protect me from harm and danger come hell or high water.

And when we come to learn to appreciate the things that compliment each other without losing sight of their differences then maybe we can experience the harmony creating a beautiful symphony of life.
 — feeling elated

       My four sons may not have everything they want but they have me as their Mom who loves them more than          anything else in this world.