Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My Musings for Today (Dec 18)

My Musings for Today (Dec 18)

Yesterday morning, while engaging a choked stretch of EDSA towards Makati on board an SUV, an eye-catching sticker message on the rear window of a sleek white car in front of us has caught my attention. The message read, “Life is fragile, handle with prayer.”

I thought the wordage was insightful — and I mulled over it for some minutes and figured it out, it’s actually true and sensible! Then, I pulled up my BB phone and gave my calendar the once-over, I saw how full it was, some days have the potential to make me feel exhausted, reminding me of the fragility and intricacy of life. I always take a second look to see if there is anything I can delete; most times all of it is indispensable.

Later that day, I had a meeting with a "balikbayan" friend who knew that I had been very busy with family, social, spiritual and professional obligations. She asked me how I was able to cope with a demanding life , survive with overloaded schedules and to get everything done. I shrugged my shoulders, not really knowing how to react. I finally responded that I get it done by just putting one foot in front of the other. And I added, when one is about to reach the prime of life, one will begin to recognize the difference between what is fruitful to do, what is not; what is obligatory and what is not.

Through the years, one can learn how to do that through the discipline of prayer. With prayer, I’m able to make it through busy times without snapping, with a joyful spirit and a servant’s heart. When my husband and I were then actively immersed in the main stream of a renewal community mixing it with the work with the poor and regular secular jobs, we were both so restless and engrossed. That was an example of how life is fragile. We sometimes take it for granted, but life can change very fleetly.

When I feel beaten and overwhelmed, my first inclination is to pray. Prayer is the way I communicate with God, but it also serves as a breather for me. It gives me time to contemplate and to focus on how I am going to start my day or my week.

Prayer gives me an enlightened, clear head that I need; it settles me down and gives me peace, especially when I read the scriptures passage, “The LORD is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid? I know that I don’t have to rely on my own armor or strength; there is a stronger power that will hold me up.

This brings gratification to my heart. It helps me bring contentment to my daily routine. Even though everything is not exactly how I want it to be, I can rest in the knowledge that I am not alone.Just knowing I'm not alone is often enough to kindle hope amid adverse circumstances. I also know that every morning – every day is new. I try not to carry the load of yesterday into my new day. When I lay my head down at night, I call upon the Lord, “Thank You for the day.”

Life is a lifelong journey of facing the struggles of the world and moving forward with hope.Yes, life is fragile and must be handled with prayer. Let’s consider each day a new day , and remember that yesterday no longer exists, but we have today. We cherish and prioritize each new day, and ask God for His strength and guidance. And let's put to use prayer as our timeout. This is what has worked for me and my husband in living a life of serenity and fulfillment.